Your pirate ship is under attack by a rival pirate clan. Defend your ship and honor in this mini-game.
Explode the 10 fuel barrels on the enemy pirate ship to win the game. Aim your cannon up or down using the "up button" and "down button". Stop the cannon from moving by pressing the "red button" and fire cannonballs by pressing the "green button".
Use your cannonballs wisely, you will only have 20 cannonballs to defend your pirate ship before it gets completely destroyed.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">你的海盗船是受到攻击对手海盗战队。捍卫你的船和荣誉在这个小游戏。
用你的炮弹在刀刃上,你只会有20炮弹保卫你的海盗船之前,它被完全摧毁。</div> <div class="show-more-end">